Tuesday, March 10, 2009

just dont end up there

Scream with me.

IMH posting can be insanely annoying and I didnt know it can get superr dramama-tic. Overflowing of patients in the ward today. Ratio of staffs to patients, approximately 1:10. Havoc. Chaotic. Ultra madness. You name it. Just imagine, entertaining 40 odd patients that are are mentally not stable, having unsound mind. delusions and hallucinations. Not forgetting VIOLENT. We had a few crisis today. 12 people to pinned down one HUGE GIGANTIC violent patient, and he was muttering some lines from the Cicak Man movie when the nurses tried to restraint him. A patient ran after me a few times and I got pretty traumatized (and scared) after that. Let your imaginations run wild people. I survived today. -.-
Thank God we(me and Erni) had superhero Shane with us.

3 more days to go! Friday come faster!!!

Sorry for the lack of updates.
Will be back with a prorper one soon. (hopefully!)

I cant find any bread in the kitchen.
How bout banana and a cup of hot milo for supper now? :D

Okay go! toodles!

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