Thursday, March 12, 2009

not yet

I dont know if it's me or the weather that's making me feel so down. whatever. Work was so emotionally dramatic today (towards the end esp.) Shall save the elaboration when im more stable. I tried so hard to hold back my tears but when Mr Shah said it was okay to cry, tears just flow like running water. my goodness. havent cried like that infront of many for so long.

and then on the way back, I was feeling uneasy. very uneasy. and the people who were texting me along the way wasnt of any help. Received a call from Mummy, telling me to get my own lunch/dinner because she didnt had time to cook as she needed to sent daddy to the hospital for some emergency scanning. haii. Not to worry, everything's okay i guess.

Following all that, I thought I should still look forward to tomorw. Perhaps meeting the girls would be a good way to ventiliate. but no. I guess it wont happen.

and I had to give today's impromtu dinner with them (the girls) a miss cos i'll have to sent lil sis for her tuition class and then i'll need to rush for tutoring. tell me how great is that?

haiii...and then it reminded me of what daddy used to tell me,
" friends who's there to share your laughter and joy, many. but when it comes to tears and sorrow, hardly. Tell me who will cry with you. Only true friends will be there for you..."

Well, Im sure of one who will.


I guess ive got to look on the bright side. There's still hope for me to be happy tmrow.

Sorry for this messed up post. I cant be bothered to edit or check this entry. So pardon me my friends.

I got to prepare for tuition now.

Till later.

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