Sunday, February 08, 2009

A few

So far, I've only met a few people who can bring the best out of me. These people are the ones that I am most comfortable with, who has provided me with countless support. They are the ones who I can portray myself in any way that I want to. And these people are the ones that I love most and their happiness would mean alot to me cause it plays an important role for my own contentment.

I love you Mummy, Daddy, bestfriend; Amina Maisara, Girlfriends, Khai & Kboys, cousins, siblings( Yan, Saiful, Lila- although all of you maybe a pain in the arse at times).
and despite of all the shites I had to put up with, I am still pretty much in love with; you.

I'm supposed to be studying, but due to the complexity of humanity - I am procrastinating :)

I had awesome and fruitful weekends I must say. Saturday was love despite having to rush everywhere. The news about the confirmation of FYP mentor got me excited. Tutoring. Lunch at ECP. Daylight tour at Marina Barrage (I still prefer night view though. haha!) A good game at CS-FoodCulture afterwards. On Sunday, headed Al-Taqua mosque with bestie. Brunch with Firdaus, Fadilah, Izuan, and Maisara at bedok corner. Then, tutoring again till 5pm. Im physically drained right now but nonetheless, the weekends ended on a pretty good note. =)

I've got Psychology makeup lecture first thing tmrorrow morning. Probably head to NLB to mug after that. It's been awhile since I last went there. I am going on a FULL-blast study marathon and in preparation for that, I've got to charge my mental and physical strength. I better hit the sack now. See you angels!

Lots of love, Nin.

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