Thursday, February 12, 2009

Did you wish me goodnight? Did you say sweetdreams?

I dreamt I terminated a bunch of snakes at a park with a machine gun a few nights ago, and there were sequels to my weird dreams the following nights. I HELD A MACHINE GUN beb.

I also dreamt I was surrounded by a pack of angry stray dogs. They were stationed outside the lift. I started panicking but a voice ordered them to stay put and not attack me. Suddenly, the owner of the voice, a man, entered the lift like a hero saving a damsel in distress (but this one bald a bit with spectacles and dah kerepot). I hid behind him timidly. One of the dogs slowly came in so I started hiding deeper behind his shoulders. Suddenly, the dog transformed into a Chinese boy. Then the old man asked me to carry the little boy. I said "No thanks, I'm Muslim."

I mean I said that coz yah, he's a boy, but he WAS a dog before that.
So he's a dogboy and I can't touch dogs what.


You don't wanna know the rest!

Okay maybe one more.

I chewed on a translucent, purple soap thinking it was candy.
ewww. disgusting. disgusting. xP

I swear I can be funny sometimes and i know this is self proclaiming... but whateverrr. My phone was ringing ('flaunt it' in high pitch tone)loud in my ears this morning. and when I checked the time, it was only 5.25AM. Guess who was on the line? Mohd Hamsin Nashruddin. He was trying to be funny waking me up early morning. Thank you eh buddy, my paper starts only at 12.30! pfft.

I have been going back to school for revision lectures and FYP meetings. dont ask why FYP meeting right smack in the middle of exams. As much as Magaret wants to mentally prepare us, earlier than everyone else, it's sucha a turn off thinking about program design and marketing strategies in the threshold of exam period. Like seriously. Our brains are already cramped up with loads of complex terminologies and other notes that's patiently waiting to be discarded, on pen and paper. And there she is, with so much enthusiasm, asking us to work our creative brain juices. Simply said, access denied for creativity zone in the brain. Zilch.

On a ligther note, AN paper today was managable. Alhamdulillah. I felt that the SA Questions were relatively easier than the first section, I was practically grinning as I penned down the answers =) 1 down 4 more to go!

I'm off to give tuition now. See you angels!

Lots of love, Nin.

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