More pictures at FB.
Credit goes to the Photograhers:
Rafidah, Khairul, Idham, Syaherah, Asmah, Fauzi, Amina
Confessions. I cant believe that I actually confessed infront of many (I was forced to). But when Ruz asked me later that day, I told them (Fauzi and him) I am not ready to get serious and commit myself. Still keeping my options wide open. Besides, I've got alot more things to think about other than getting into a relationship at this point of time. Like how they term it: period of buffet-ing.
Today I stayed home. I finally called Cik Ita and confirmed about giving her son tuition. That will start in Feburary. I was also being sucha a goody that I managed to revise a few chapters of AN, catch a lil of the afternoon nap, and indulge myself with the Indon flicks towards the end. Watching Lost in Love make me wanna go Paris so so badly! and I've always love Paris- the city of love.
Will probably do the movie review when I can find the time in the upcoming days. Morning shift tmrow. I better hit the sack now.
Goodnight twits.
Lots of love, Nin.
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