Sunday, January 25, 2009

extended weekends

Yesterday, was a night spent with the rest again. This time round, FULL-strength. They kinda eliminate those (?)feelings temporarily. I love all seventeen of them (: We went to ECP and slacking have been the usual Saturday night activities now. The difference this week, we had a mini barbeque and ton-ed whole night long. Junk food and more JUNK FOOD. Start packing up at 6AM and rushed home. Get ready and headed for Al-Taqua mosque for my usual Sunday morning routine. Amazing how I could still anticipate going to the mosque despite being superbly exhausted. Went home slightly afternoon and catch up on my sleep for the rest of the day. Was woken up by Mr.C's text msg, asking me out for dinner. Rejected the offer and went back to sleep. I was that tired.

Now, a few minutes to midnight and I'm wide awake.

I have other concealing issue to touch on. but I do not know if this is the right way I should begin. Saturday morning. It took me a couple of hours to digest what I was told, although the whole conversation and concept's similar every week. No words can express how contented I felt when those words were being said. Overjoyed. Ironically, it was on the 24th. I finally understood why the teachers (and probably the higher athority) have been haunting me with those burning questions that I dread to answer. Not knowing their motive (at first), I admit that I got utterly pissed and irritated, but now, I guess it all paid off. because I learnt that it's all for a good cause. and I think I should be proud of myself that I did the right thing- endlessly believing in him regardless of the situation we're in. It's more or less confirmed. Alhamdulillah. The first step to achieving those dreams, he once shared with me.

Something triggered me to make this few upcoming statements- A priority no matter what happens, because he has earn that place in my heart and soul. I'll always keep him in my prayers, regardless of the situation we're in now. Yes, I miss him.

I'll account the rest & details in the OD.

Lots of love, Nin.

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