Wednesday, March 04, 2009

ushering the 20th year of life...

Firstly, thank you so much both Mummy and Daddy for taking turns driving me to work and fetching me back almost everyday now. I love you both truckloads. mwuaah! and Daddy, for the birthday treat at Han River today. They say, family always comes first (: Part two of the celebration is tmrow.

Next, thanks to those who made today happened. It's the best (complete) birthday celebration I ever had in my entire life. It was a surprise, but a pleasant one (despite the shocking vibes and the screaming that followed it. hahaha!). The usual heartbeats were hiding in my room when i got back from dinner. and then they came out like monsters when I opened the door. omg. Im still not over the screaming thing. Nonetheless, I love you guys many and thank you so much for the surprise. and it's amazing how all of you can keep it away from me lah~ Tsk. Not forgetting, YAN!!! thank for being a part of it. Pictures will be up soon.

Last but not least, thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. Even unknown numbers and also those that surprisingly/unexpectedly remembered. Haha~

Happy 20th birthday Nin!

Ps: Will continue with pictures on next update.

Lots of love, N.

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