Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's not always rainbows and butterflies...

It's compromise that moves us along.
...I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain...

and all the roads we have to walk are winding, and all the lights that lead us there are blinding, there are many things that i would like to say to you but i don't know how. Maybe I dont need to breathe or even speak those words. because, i somehow figured you'll read me. and you're gonna be the one that saves me and after all, you're my wonderwall (:

I've been indulging alot on nice Indon flicks. Addition to the collection. I began my own mini marathon with Lost in Love. And no, I didnt roll a dice for ths one. I picked it to be the first because the entire movie was acted in Paris. and I've always love Paris- the city of love. HEHEHE. Nonetheless, Lost In love and Best friends are both awesome movies!

Indulging myself with the Indon Flicks never fail to make me happy. Those actually topped korean dramas on my list at the moment. No pun intended. The reason is simple: The theory of relations. Right now, i'll rather have memories with Billy J in mind as compared to Mr E. This is pretty much a bitter note. Here's the gist of it. I met up with Mr E after workshift yesterday to hand back ALL his stuffs (he asked for it). I dont know what exactly went bullet-ing through my mind as I handed them back in his hands. Let's just term it as- The Product of Mixed Emotions. So, I decided to drop by BN later that day with hopes to shove everything aside. short term antidote? I dont know. but I did feel good after the bubble tea and talking about random stuffs with bro along the way.

Back to the movie treats, I want to watch all that's listed below:

  • The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
  • He's Just Not That Into You
  • the Reader (R21 though!)
  • thePink Panther 2 (dam...burgar)
  • Slumdog Millionaire
  • Role Models (Paul Rudd is too funny!)
  • Rachel Getting Married

and many many more. All i need is TIME.

Oh yesss. I almost forgot. Mummy handed me a package a few days ago. It was from Fee- my advance birthday present she told me. Fee, thanks for the lovely present and the TANGS vouchers. I love it! Now im just patiently waiting to go on a shopping spree. Retail therapy baby! On the flip side, approximately, one week's time, im turning TWENTY. I have yet to absorb that. goodness. the historical benchmark (in my life), im ending my teenage years pretty soon. and twenty is not adult yet. so it's neither here nor there. haha!

Ps: Sorry for this messed up entry. I will update on my fabulous weekends I had with the heartbeats as soon as I've compiled all the pictures. Till then!

Off for tuition now.

Lots of love, N.

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