Wednesday, February 04, 2009


I had to learn the hard way that even famous men aren't enough to make a girl happy. It's really about what's on the inside. That's the most imperfect part of all of us, and often the most beautiful.

"You don't have to live up to anyone's expectations, luv," he said. "They should live up to yours. You don't have to impress anyone - they have to impress you."

I want to read more of Janice Dickinson's book! I love how brutally honest she gets and she is not at all ashamed to share with the world about practically anything. Society love revolves around almost nothing but superficiality and perfection. Some of us are so deluded and disgusting that they ought to remove themselves from society. Why are we always attracted to the impossible?

It's about time I tell myself to stop conforming to people's twisted and shallow expectations of one another. I should care less and dismiss everything that is hurtful. Because in the end, they would be the one smiling, while I cringe in pain.

Snap back already.

I can't wait for weekends. I can't wait to end my posting at thirty-seven. God knows how many irritating bitches exsist there. urgh! I didnt enjoy work for the past two days. Gee.. the old cranky woman sure gives me headache and even when I got home, her voice is still ringing in my head. Today is so much better. BUT! I have no clue what fate have in store for me tomorow. Enough of complain already. I'm finally going on morning shift. so I guess, I should be hitting the sack now. right?

Goodnight twits.

Love, Nin.

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